Substance Use

Substance use refers to the use of alcohol, tobacco products, drugs, inhalants, and other substances that can be consumed, inhaled, injected, or otherwise absorbed into the body with possible dependence and other harmful effects (CDC 2023). Youth substance use is associated with increased risk for delinquency, academic underachievement, teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, perpetration of, or experience with, violence, injuries, and mental health problems (HHS 2016 [PDF – 12.0MB]). Preventing or delaying substance use initiation reduces later risk for substance use, substance use disorders, and overdose (HHS 2016 [PDF – 12.0MB]).

Community Preventive Services Task Force Findings

Summary Table

This summary of CPSTF findings to prevent excessive alcohol consumption can be used as a reference, included in presentations, or shared with colleagues.

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