Community Guide Crosswalks with Partners
Explore crosswalks, or links, between CPSTF findings and Healthy People 2030 objectives or Evidence-based Cancer Control Programs.
Healthy People 2030
Crosswalks between The Community Guide and Healthy People 2030 identify CPSTF-recommended intervention approaches that can help you reach the nation’s health goals.
Review summaries on The Community Guide website link to relevant Healthy People objectives from the Crosswalks section of the Considerations for Implementation Tab. And evidence-based resources on the Healthy People 2030 site feature CPSTF recommendations within each topic area.

Evidence-based Cancer Control Programs
Hosted by the National Cancer Institute, the EBCCP-Evidence-Based Cancer Control Programs website is a searchable database of cancer control programs that provides program planners and public health practitioners easy access to research-tested materials.
CPSTF findings are matched with relevant EBCCP programs through crosswalks on this site. Look for Crosswalks under the Considerations for Implementation tab of each review summary.