Sarah Stoddard, PhD, RN, CNP, FAAN, FSAHM
Joined CPSTF: 2021
Sarah Stoddard, PhD, RN, CNP, FAAN, FSAHM is an associate professor in the Schools of Nursing and Public Health at the University of Michigan. She is also director of the Training and Education Core for the University of Michigan Injury Prevention Center.
Dr. Stoddard is recognized nationally for her expertise in adolescent health and her interdisciplinary research to prevent substance use and violence among vulnerable populations of youth. Her research focuses on applying strengths-based approaches to prevention in school and community settings. She has collaborated on numerous federally funded research studies to establish efficacy and effectiveness of multifaceted, community-level interventions aimed at prevention of violence and substance abuse.
Dr. Stoddard’s research promotes the health and well-being of youth living in communities characterized by substantial health and social inequities. She has had professional experience as a local public health nurse focused on maternal-child health, a nurse practitioner in community- and school-based clinics, and she served as the state adolescent health coordinator for the Minnesota Department of Health.
Dr. Stoddard serves on numerous federal, academic, and community advisory boards and committees. She has held leadership positions for the Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science and the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. She served as a member of the executive committee for the National Network of State Adolescent Health Coordinators (NNSAHC) and represented NNSAHC on the Partners in Program Planning for Adolescent Health Initiative of the Maternal Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing and the Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine.
Dr. Stoddard received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Minnesota State University at Mankato, and her Master of Science and doctorate from the University of Minnesota. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Michigan.